‘Alexander: The Making Of A God’ Review

Delving into the enigmatic history of Alexander the Great, the latest Netflix docu-drama, ‘Alexander: The Making Of A God,’ explores the ascent of this young ruler to greatness. While generating buzz on social media, the series unfolds the life of Alexander, focusing on both his personal and political journeys. The storyline follows Alexander’s remarkable journey from a young heir to a powerful empire to a ruler with an unyielding desire to conquer the world. Portraying the ‘Boy King’ who defied skepticism, the series humanizes Alexander, providing glimpses into his love life and strategies that won over the Persian Empire.

Buck Braithwaite, portraying Alexander, delivers a commendable performance, capturing the essence of the character without feeling anachronistic. Mido Hamada, as Darius, adds depth to the Persian ruler with impeccable dialogue delivery and a commanding screen presence. However, the hybrid approach of blending documentary and drama proves divisive. While the performances and research stand out, the script fails to integrate seamlessly. The series could have thrived with a more focused approach, either as a documentary or drama.

The documentary aspects shine in well-researched historical insights, with the researchers taking the stage. The series falters in comedic reenactments, where strong performances are hindered by weak dialogues. The script’s shortcomings impact crucial scenes, undermining the potential emotional impact. Technical aspects, including costumes and action sequences, receive praise. The costumes aptly capture the era, avoiding pitfalls that often plague period dramas. Action scenes are skillfully choreographed, injecting a dynamic pace into the narrative.

Directed by: Hugh Ballantyne

The cast: Buck Braithwaite, Mido Hamada, Dino Kelly, Agni Scott, Nada El Belkasmi, Alain Ali Washnevsky, Will Stevens, and Steven Hartley.

Released on January 31, 2024, the six-episode series runs for 37-44 minutes each. Despite its potential, ‘Alexander: The Making Of A God’ struggles to find a cohesive balance between its documentary and drama elements. The hybrid approach hampers the series, leaving viewers yearning for a more focused narrative. The skilled performances and meticulous research are overshadowed by the script’s inability to bridge the gap. Ultimately, the series falls short of realizing its potential, earning a modest 2-star rating.

Note: Not suitable for children.

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